China's agricultural water consumption and methods for avoiding low utilization of agricultural water

China's agricultural water consumption and methods for avoiding the use of low agricultural water The total amount of existing water resources in China is 2.8 trillion m3, and the per capita water consumption is only 1/4 of the world's total. The average apportioned water volume of cultivated land is only 1/2 of the world's average water volume. At present, groundwater resources in many areas of our country are seriously over-exploited, the water level has dropped, and even underground funnels have occurred. Shallow groundwater exploitation has reached 90% of the allowable extraction volume, and agricultural water consumption is large. The total annual water consumption in the country is 560 billion m3, of which agricultural water accounts for 80%, mainly for irrigation, but the utilization rate of water is only 40%. A large part of this reason is due to the fact that the amount of irrigation cannot be accurately grasped and the water resources are wasted. This can be avoided by using multi-parameter soil gauges to measure and then irrigating, and because the bonded measures are not good enough. This leads to loss of water, which can be avoided by using a cover. At the same time with some measures to ensure good water retention, while increasing the utilization of water.
At the same time as irrigation, combined with farmland cover, cropping, security, water transfer and other control measures, there is a significant increase in the utilization of water, the effect of how to use the fixed point monitoring system to detect. Instead, it uses the form of strokes to increase the utilization rate of water and it is well used in foreign countries. For example, Japan's mulching has accounted for 16.7% of the dry area, and straw coverage in a few areas in the United States is also common.
In the agricultural production process, the wireless moisture and drought management system was used to verify the effect of straw mulching. It was found that straw mulching reduced water consumption by 35.0 to 54.9 mm on average, and this portion of water accumulated in the soil was used for wheat supply. The key water use period for growth has increased the output efficiency of farmland. According to tests from 1988 to 1989, the yield of wheat straw per 667 m2 increased by 41.7 to 64.6 kg, the water consumption coefficient decreased by 0.089 to 0.281 mm/kg, and the water productivity increased by 0.089 to 0.292 kg/mm.
Therefore, the use of wireless public opinion monitoring system to monitor the situation of the public opinion during the process of carrying out the protection and the verification of the effectiveness of the protection measures are of great help.

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