After the metal or non-metal mining the ore, after beneficiation plants selected to produce valuable ore sand as "waste", called tailings.
Tailings pond
It refers to the place where metal and non-metal mines are used for mine tailing after mine sorting.
Tailings dam
The outer structure of the tailings pond of the tailings and water often refers to the total of the initial dam and the dam.
Tailings facility
The structure system built for tailings treatment is called a tailings facility.
The importance of tailings facilities
01. Tailings facilities are important facilities for maintaining mine production.
In order to protect the environment, protect resources, save water, and maintain normal mine production, we must have a complete tailings treatment facility. The tailings pond as a facility for stockpiling tailings is an indispensable production facility for the mine. The "Code for Design of Tailings Facilities in GB50863-2013" stipulates that the ore dressing plant must have tailings facilities, and it is strictly forbidden to discharge tailings arbitrarily.
02, tailings pond is an important source of pollution
The tailings and tailings water stored in the tailings pond may be important pollutants. If not properly treated, it will inevitably cause serious pollution to the surrounding environment. Therefore, the tailings pond is an important source of pollution for the mine.
03, tailings pond is an important source of danger
The tailings pond is a dangerous source of artificial debris flow with high potential energy. In the past ten or even decades, various natural and artificial disadvantages directly threaten its security. The facts have repeatedly shown that once the tailings pond is wrecked, it will cause serious damage to the lives and property of the downstream people.
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